Mahon, Boxer
Mahon loved boxing from the moment they stepped into the ring at ten years old. No matter what was happening elsewhere, they never wanted to miss boxing classes. Physical activity has always been central to their physical and mental health.
“My biggest setback has been the pandemic. I was scheduled to have my first competitive bout in August 2020 and of course it was cancelled. I did some online classes but I prefer the gym. It was my coaches who kept me motivated — they’re concerned about me as a person first and an athlete second. That’s something I am very thankful for.”
Mahon moves to stay strong. They are working back to pre-pandemic levels of strength and technique, hoping to become competitive in the next year or so. “
I use physical activity to keep healthy, but also to relieve stress and tension,” Mahon says. “My desire to be in great physical shape motivates me to do what I need to do on a consistent basis.”
“Boxing has developed my physical and mental strength. I feel stronger and think more clearly than ever before,” says Mahon.